
The Level Up Newsletter

For nearly two decades I've helped high-achievers play a bigger game. Join other professionals, entrepreneurs and coaches who get tips on mindset & peak performance every Sunday in the Level Up newsletter.

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🚀[FIRST NAME GOES HERE] is comfort keeping you from your potential?

Level Up September 15, 2024 Courage Over Comfort, Your Path to Growth Reader Real growth begins at the edge of discomfort. That’s where courage meets uncertainty and where opportunity awaits. Imagine hesitating when presented with a high-stakes project, fearing they aren’t prepared. You know each step will be uncertain and maybe even nerve-wracking. But, on the other side is what you really want. We all want to feel safe. But "safe" can keep us stuck in routines that stifle growth. In This...

Level Up September 1, 2024 Are You Ready to Elevate Your Game? Start With Your Mindset Reader Your mindset is the foundation of everything you achieve—or don’t achieve. It shapes your actions, drives your decisions, and ultimately determines your success. This week, we dive into the power of purposefully choosing your mindset to unlock your full potential. You’ll discover how to challenge limiting beliefs, ask empowering questions, and cultivate the motivation that comes from within. Whether...

Level Up August 25, 2024 Reclaiming Focus—How to Align Your Efforts with What Truly Matters Reader This week, we zero in on the power of focus and the importance of aligning your efforts with what truly matters. You’ll discover how to sharpen your focus and drive impactful change as we explore: The process of letting go of what no longer serves you Embracing meaningful quests over rigid goals Seeking wisdom from simple truths Prepare to cut through the noise, prioritize with purpose, and...

Level Up August 18, 2024 Shape Your Week With Clarity & Purpose Reader Imagine starting each day with a clear purpose, knowing exactly where you’re headed and why. In this week’s edition of Level Up, we explore the power of intentionally aligning your actions with your vision. We’ll discuss how to craft a vision that not only excites you but also drives your actions with purpose. We’ll also explore practical steps to help you shape your week with clarity and focus, ensuring that every day...

Level Up August 11, 2024 Transform Yourself: 8 Steps to Achieve Peak Performance Hi Reader, Welcome to today's edition of Level Up! Are you ready to start living a Level 10 life? Let's dive in. Weekly Tip: You can use a simple framework to overcome the seven hurdles to peak performance. Reaching your full potential isn't just about hard work—it's about understanding and dismantling the internal and external obstacles that hold you back. This framework gives you the tools to perform at your...

Be Prepared

Level Up August 4, 2024 Master Your Game: How to Prepare Like a High Achiever Hi Reader, Welcome to today's edition of Level Up! Are you ready to start living a Level 10 life? Let's dive in. Weekly Tip: Set a high standard for your preparation process to ensure you consistently perform at your best. Extensive preparation is crucial for exceptional results and optimizing performance. This week, you'll discover how to set high standards for your preparation and maintain consistency. Setting...

Possible vs. Impossible

Level Up July 28, 2024 Unlock Your Potential: Turn Limiting Beliefs into Empowering Mindsets Reader Welcome to this edition of Level Up! Ready to start living a Level 10 life? Let's dive in. Weekly Tip: Transform Limiting Beliefs Transforming limiting beliefs into empowering ones is essential for personal growth and success. Transforming limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs is crucial for personal growth and success. Empowering beliefs are true, kind, and useful while limiting beliefs...

Level Up July 21, 2024 Title Reader Welcome to today's edition of Level Up! Ready to start living a Level 10 life? Let's dive in. Weekly Tip: Success can be your greatest obstacle if it leads to complacency. Embrace a winning mindset to continue pushing boundaries and achieving more. The greatest obstacle to success may be success itself. Many high achievers face a paradox: the very success they strive for can become a barrier to further growth and achievement. When you achieve success, it’s...

Level Up July 14, 2024 Unlock Peak Productivity with Peter Drucker's Three-Step Time Optimization System Hi Reader Welcome to today's edition of Level Up! Are you ready to start living a Level 10 life, where you're at your peak in all areas, from personal and professional development to productivity? Let's dive in. Weekly Tip: Time Optimization Optimize your time and enhance productivity with Peter Drucker's three-step process: Track Your Time Identify & Eliminate Time Wasters Consolidate...

Level Up July 4, 2024 Happy Independence Day:What Will You Declare Hi Reader Today, in the United States, we pause to honor and celebrate Independence Day. As we ponder the ideals of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” consider if maybe today is a great time for you to declare your independence. On this day in 1776, the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. This document officially severed the ties between the American Colonies and Britain. At stake were...